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Mom Life: Welcome

Updated: Apr 22, 2019

Hi, it's me Jenni! I am a mom of a young sassy daughter, Olivia. She is a silly, playful, sassy (like I said), energetic, fun little girl who keeps me on my toes every single day. She is already showing signs of athleticism, which I am extremely excited about because I don't know what to do with a child who doesn't want to play sports. What, do I cheer for her paintings? Yep! I currently have, most of, her paintings on my refrigerator and hanging in her room. I love when she brings home paintings that she did of her hand prints or feet and they will forever have a place in our home. Her scribbling, however, makes it into my special round file (trash) because let's be serious...she's not going to care about some BS scribble when she is 18.

With this blog I hope to reach people on a REAL level. Everyday is not sunshine and rainbows but on those days I am full of energy and ready to take on the world. Mom Life is hard work but rewarding, which I am learning is not just something Moms say...its legit! I will provide my experiences with my daughter knowing that someone out there will be experiencing something similar...YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB at being a Mom...however you are doing it. If you are struggling, take a deep breath and ask for help. Help is absolutely needed when raising a small human. I figured that out way later than I should have by thinking that I shouldn't need help and that I should be able to do it ALL by myself. I am telling you ASK for HELP any time you need it. Create your Village!

"Comparison is the death of all joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday"

-Rachel Hollis

Girl, Wash Your Face

- Jenni

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